If you wish to start learning in our school, fill the form


About the school

The Flight School Adrenalins was awarded a paraglider pilot training licence by the CCA (Civil Aviation Agency) in 2002.

The Flight School uses qualified and certified training equipment. The latest paraglider and harness system models are used for training purposes and all flights at the School are radio-guided. The training consists of a course of theory (10 per cent of the training time) and practice (90 per cent of the training time). Experienced instructors and technical staff are working at the School. The training process is carried out in close cooperation with the Latvian paragliding federation (LPF) help. Practical lessons and theoretical lectures lead LPF members - experienced pilots.
Apmācību process notiek ciešā sadarbībā ar Latvijas paraplanierisma federācijas (LPF) palīdzību. Praktiskās nodarbības un teorētiskās lekcijas vada LPF biedri - pieredzējuši piloti.

Once a student has passed the training course, he or she will have to take an examination given by a representative of the Latvian Paragliding Federation (the LPF) in order to obtain an internationally recognised pilot licence. The examination includes both theory and practice.

The Flight School uses the Aerodrome of Rumbula for training needs from April till October. The training takes place on weekdays until it gets dark, provided the wind speed does not exceed 6 m/s and there is no precipitation. The training is less intensive during the rest of the season and takes place on week-ends and weekdays during the daytime, weather permitting.

If you are unsure whether flying a paraglider is the right thing for you, try a tandem flight with the instructor enabling you to enjoy a free flight and see the world from the bird’s eye view.

If you wish to learn to fly a paraglider, please leave your contact information using the form above, and the instructor will get in touch with you promptly.

Skola Galerija 25
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